Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Today is the day! Welcome all!!!

*Drum roll*
Ladies and Gentlemen, 
I bring to you (finally)
the launch of 

Anneli's Atelier!!!


It's been a long time coming... and I'm finally happy with my little nook, my little atelier! 

The bunting flags finally went up this past weekend and I'm just so incredibly pleased with how it pulled the room together! Added bonus that it was an easy and cheap project!

So now I have my desk, chair, storage facility (lol) and mushroom table (under the oil paint box), easel, plenty of canvases and other art supplies... I'm just peachy!

Hubby made this mushroom table with my dad out of a giant 100+ year old tree that had been cut down. I love it but I think it needs to get painted a color! I think red with white dots would be classic, but I can't decide completely since I still like the idea of gray, green, yellow, blue, black... Oh the decisions!

This chair was a steal from my favorite thrift store, only 6 euros and in perfect condition!
I crocheted a granny square cover for the cushion (that is a bit too big but was free and readily available) and I think it's just adorable!

Oh boy, I just love it all!

Thanks for stopping by for my launch! I'll be wrapping it up now over at my first blog "A sorta fairytale" now, so start following over here to stay updated! :)

I just love change and progress!


  1. Your atelier looks great! :) I'm sure it's great place to get your inspiration flowing!

  2. Here! This looks great! And that mushroom table is really nice. You two are so crafty!

    I'm so bad at leaving comments but I do visit regularly! <3

  3. Very nice! So wonderful to have a crafty, intelligent, and lovely D-I-L. :) Bet you didn't think I was keeping up!
