Thursday, July 4, 2013



They're such simple flowers, yet so gorgeous! Those colors are just outta this world! 

Crazy beautiful. ♥

2013: Garden post #10

I'm almost caught up on garden blogging since these are pictures from yesterday! Yay! 
If only I could say the same for weeding. ;)

The pansies continue to delight!

Cucumber patch and marigold (that I grew from seed!).


Zinnia patch. Patience, the zinnia post is coming!

Ah, finally wonderful roses. Love love love summer!!

2013:Garden post #9

Here is what was happening July 1st.
I am in disbelief that it is JULY! 
Where does the time go??? 
Lots of happy times to come this month so I'm happy anyway!

My mom's pansies have gone bananas. 

I think these above and below are my favorites. But it's hard to choose from them which are the prettiest!

Oooh, fancy American zinnia... more to come!

And for comparison's sake to previous years, the currants are coming along nicely.

I love that with this blog I can chronicle time and look back at previous years. I check back every now and then when I want or need to remember what a certain time of the year looked like in nature, the garden, or life in general. 
So handy to have a pretty blog with pretty pictures! :)

2013: Garden post #8

These were taken June 28th!

First strawberries. Um, delicious!

Don't worry, the zinnia post will come...

AND FINALLY! My mom's fancy pants American pansies that she has babied from seed have finally bloomed!!! Wow! How gorgeous!!
The best part is, they've only gotten better since when these photos were taken!! :)
Amazing ruffle varieties and gorgeous colors. ♥♥♥

2013: Garden post #7

Woohoo! Finally a moment to upload pictures and blog!! :)

These were taken on June 22nd. Midsummer day.
It was also little Elisabeth's first time gardening! She didn't enjoy it for long though... which has made trips to the garden hard for me. :(
We're working on it ways for me to get away with or without her, but I must say, I really miss my little paradise of flowers and dirt.

Peonies "borrowed" from an abandoned lot two years ago finally bloomed!!

It was a cloudy and rather chilly day. Hence the layers. :)

Corn with more peas coming up behind it.

I never tire of these. 

Zinnia. Wait till you see the post I have planned around fresh cut flowers.... woweee!

I missed the poppies bloom this year due to the hospital and new baby learning curve. :( Next year!





And while I still have time, I'll be back to post more! :)

Cuteness overload alert!

I'm the mama so I'm allowed to say that they're the cutest I've ever seen. :) 

Most adorable lady bug outfit. 

Manta being so sweet. 

Those are the cutest "shoes" ever. And the cutest leg rolls.

And this is the sweeeeeeeetest bear who ever lived. 
