Holy moly! TWO posts in ONE week!? Wow, this hasn't happened in a loooong time! :)
I'm off work tomorrow since I (unfortunately) work the weekend... therefore, I am super inspired to do all kinds of amazing things on my day off. Oh my goodness me, the length of this to-do list!!
Pinterest, you're not helping!
In addition to the not so fun phone calls I have to make... I need to call some florists about a friend's wedding (I'm a bridesmaid! First time since my sister's wedding in 2000!)... We've brainstormed and being the flower-oriented person I am, I've even started a
pinterest board for mainly wedding flower ideas :) Go check it out!
In addition to phone calls, I need to clean. Actually, hubby is off to so I should say
we need to clean! I know having a baby is going to mean I will have less time to keep this place in order (or well, the new place!), but I still firmly believe that the disarray that befalls our home when I work all the time will be mostly avoided while I'm on maternity leave. I found this helpful
spring cleaning checklist on pinterest and I figure if
I we do as much on this as we can, it'll be a good head start to the final big clean before we move. That, and this place is... gross.
I suppose this would also be a good time to start really packing (!) !!
I can't wait to be moved and settled in again.
Which brings me to decorating. Oooh, how I love this topic!
I've been obsessed lately with how we are going to set up the new place. I have the furniture situation pretty well planned, but oh those walls and textiles. It's the funnest but hardest part. We've been smart and acquired or bought only neutral color furniture (white, black, wood) so we can really play up the color with textiles (curtains, rugs, pillows etc), and we have a whole boatload of things I'd like to hang on the walls. It's the themes and arrangements that get me, the colors too. I have enlisted the help of my newly graduated designer friend to help me out when it's time for the final touches, because I feel like I get too excited and just throw stuff up on the wall and rush the process...leaving the house looking, well...rushed and unstylish.

So to assist my brain and my friend, I've been
avidly pinning home decor ideas and hopefully it will keep me focused on what I like and what I want to do. Actually, all these pictures are from our Japan (honeymoon) trip from 2011 and ones I would like to hang on our living room wall in some kind of frame arrangement like on my pinterest board linked above. I can't decide on curtain colors or even options as of yet for the living room though. We have a lot of black furniture and there is currently a lot of green going on, but I'm thinking adding blue might be nice since it's my favorite color. Oh the choices!

Another focus point of decorating is the dining nook. We actually will have one for the first time since we lived in the States (feels like FOREVER ago!), so now I'm super excited to make it special. I will hang my giant apple painting on one wall, but I have no idea what I should hang on the opposite wall. We've been thinking about some simple arrangement of color or black and white family photos. Maybe? I definitely want a gorgeous orchid to go in the middle of the table, because I have serious orchid-envy of the clients I visit daily and their gorgeous orchids. :D
The second bedroom is going to be a girly pink and country-esque guest bedroom/atelier. Yup, not giving that up! I am getting all the furniture for it (almost anyway) from my mom and I'm super excited about having my uber-girly room.
(since I can't knit)
I'd also love to find time to crochet some gorgeous pastel and pink pillows for the day bed. Ah ♥
Our bedroom has me the most stumped of all. All I know is that we have a white romantic style bed set and we have to fit a crib in there. Other than that, I'm really confused about what I want to use for colors (since I have a pink room, we're going to try some other color...hubby's happy!). I may or may not have blogged about it, but I got a gorgeous vintage quilt from my godmother on our trip to New York and it had a lot of colors in it, but mainly yellow. I am also having an inexplicable love affair with all things yellow at the moment (which is so not me), so I don't know if I should try incorporating more yellow and use the quilt as my decorating inspiration. Decisions, decisions.
I'd also like to blow up some of my flower photography and hang it, but we'll have to see about that...
And my maybe favorite room... the bathroom. It may seem weird, but I have a slight bathroom fetish. Not only that, but I love any "modernized" bathroom 100x more now that we've had a really icky old bathroom (that always looks dirty no matter how much or how often you scrub it! UGH!).
Either way, I'm super duper excited about having proper bathroom storage (a whole closet!!) and generally a cleaner and newer bathroom!
Wow, that was an explosion of decorating...
Funny where typing takes you when you just let you mind run. :)
Let me know if you have any awesome ideas!!