Friday, May 24, 2013


These past few days I have been nesting. It's what crazy pregnant women do. Like reorganize walk-in closets, scrub the grout in the shower, vacuum behind couches, reorganize and clean the kitchen cabinets... ya know. It's time consuming. It's tiring. But I'm admittedly rather house-proud and I'm expecting someone very special to come along soon, so it can only be expected!! :)

Also, I've been reading up more on birth since it's getting closer. I have been saying all along (much to the amazement of many) that I'm not scared or nervous and I'd like to go the natural route if possible. So I've been googling natural births and finally caved in and watched "The Business of Being Born" (produced by Ricki Lake of all people, lol!). I wasn't planning on watching it (I had heard about it many months ago) since I figured it would be a lot about how crappy the American health care system was etc (and I just find that sad and depressing since there are those near and dear there), but I read there were a lot of good natural (home) birth experiences on there that I wanted to see, because honestly, who has seen one?
It could be hormones, it could be that I'm sentimental, but I cried throughout the whole thing almost!! I really felt like so many women put into words what I've been meaning all along when I say birth is something I want to experience. And if seeing babies being born isn't enough to bring you to tears,'re not me. :D 
If you're interested, check it out. I'll admit it's a little hippy-dippy with the home birth stuff, but it really has a beautiful message for the empowerment of women, no matter your choices.

So lots of pregnancy/birth stuff going on in my brain right now... Which is why I haven't been bothered to crochet. Or do much of anything really. Even the weather has been bad, so I've spent my downtime watching Downton Abbey (thanks pinterest for the idea --I'm hooked!) and sleeping.

I'm waiting for better weather to take some photos outside with the hubster and some blooming apple trees, but I was inspired today by the evening light and ideas from my sister to take photos by the window. 
Hubby helped of course, but I gave him direction. So you could say it was a team effort. ;) 
I know I'm not easy to photograph. :D

Those were the two I liked best. :)

It's pretty late here in my parts, so off to bed it is. 
Tomorrow: gardening!!
I can't wait! I have been missing that place but we sure did need the rain!

See ya soon I'm sure! 

Monday, May 20, 2013

On my table.

This time of year is the best. I looooooove having flowers ♥

I can't believe that these roses from my shower last weekend are still going strong! 

Crazy beautiful tulips look crazy beautiful even past their prime. 

You can see we have leaves on the tree out the window!! :)

And these are the changes we made to the living room...
I hope we don't run into problems with the tank being on the shelf, but I sure do like the way it looks!

And we changed the stool out for a little antique table, but this is what went in place of the shelf...

I can't wait to sit there and rock my sweet baby! :)

37 weeks as of tomorrow. Getting so close to the end!


I've done some small crocheting but I haven't taken pictures... maybe I'll get around to that today since it's looking like it might rain today. (Good -- my garden needs it!!)

2013: Garden post #5

So we were at the garden yesterday. We were there Friday, too, but I just didn't take pictures. (!)
There were 800 things I could have taken pictures of, but ya know... this time of the year is kinda busy! I forgot I even brought the camera right before we needed to leave (hubby had to make it home to watch hockey) so these are just some quick snapshots.

Blooming currants...

Two more batches of tulips coming up. 

This is a bulb from some year past that decided to bloom again. Love the stripes!! 

My flower bed with very sad looking (just watered) aster and zinnia starts... I hope they root and strengthen up fast!!

Lily of the valley, ever so promising looking!

The back corner of our new plot. We have strawberries on the right and yesterday my mom and I planted some bachelor's button seeds aka cornflowers in shades of white, blue, and pink. :)
Next to the cornflowers, decorative gourds (only a couple have survived the transition) and pumpkin. I had started some pumpkin seeds back in April but now I have no idea whether or not they got mixed up with the gourds or what... because I have no starts anymore (?!). Therefore, my mom and I threw some seeds in the ground and we'll see what happens... hopefully pumpkins happen!
Under the white fabric, we have some cucumber seeds and starts. And next to them were the potatoes my dad threw in the ground (and have now risen!). 

These are my mom's amazing zinnia starts... 

"Wild" pansies. I love that this is a weed. I usually leave it be. :)

And now that we have a ton of rhubarb in season... I've been eating it!

I made this rhubarb strawberry trifle on Saturday. 
Just boiled some rhubarb pieces down with some frozen strawberries and sugar. Then layered it in a dish with some sponge cake and whipped cream. YUM!

And yesterday, I made some rhubarb strawberry "kiisseli", or dessert soup.

Sprinkled with sugar. Mmm...

And I ate it this morning with some porridge. Yum!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Spring trees in the arboretum

I will let the pictures do the talking.
This park is really probably one of my favorite places on Earth.

Well, it took me long enough to get the pictures to upload. I think I might have been wrongfully blaming blogger and it could be that our laptop is just officially becoming a dinosaur. (NOOOO!!)

Will be back soon with more garden pictures and updates! :) 
Also, we made some changes to the living room. Go figure now that I posted about it -- LOL!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Daffodils and tulips

Yesterday was gorgeous.

(These are from the garden!)
I mean, really really really beautiful!
Warm, sunny, and full of flowers. And ice cream. (No lie, I ate 3 ice cream cones!) 
Oh and strawberries, too. Although, these were from Spain and not very was still such a treat!

I met my mom around 10.30 a.m. at the arboretum. My agenda: take daffodil and tulip pictures.

Mission accomplished!
This post is dedicated to spring bulb flowers. :)

My plan was to take pictures of this tulip bed that they plant every year.
I saw it in this state and the first thought to cross my mind, I kid you not, was: "what if the baby comes and I miss seeing this and taking pictures of it."
I guess time will tell!

These pictures fortunately uploaded although I was having problems with blogger again (grrr), but I still figured it was wise to split the arboretum post into the bulb flower pictures and the rest. :)
Because I'm neat like that.

So see ya soon with more arboretum pictures!! :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Living room and patio

What's the deal, Blogger?
I literally had apartment pictures uploading ALL last night... and basically these were all I got to upload.

So below you can see the corner of our living room. Hubby's handmade coffee table, our Ikea Ektorp couch and chair, Ikea Lack table, Ikea Expedit bookcase, Japan pictures in Ikea frames, flea market find rag rug, and my humble first crochet blanket. 
So what if we like Ikea? 
It's student budget friendly! :)

Those Japan pictures are supposed to get hung on the wall above the couch. But we ran into a slight problem of sheetrock walls --> we'd have to drill to put them up --> I hate drilling for so many reasons.
So for now, we have stark white walls. 
And I'm kind of ok with that. 

This is the window and patio door corner of the living room. 
More Ikea furniture. 
The TV stand (Ikea Hemnes) was bought from a sorta friend though when they techinically, not from Ikea! ;)
Hubby loves having his game consoles in little cubbies and drawers to put his games and controllers in. I like not having so much visible clutter. (Although in this picture, it seems there are some wii remotes on the shelf with our ipods...)
I wanted new curtains for this room. These actually (from Ikea, LOL!), but hubby doesn't like them. And we already got into a huge argument over the dining room curtains, so I figured I will pursue my curtain agenda another time. ;)
Oh, are you wondering what that wooden stick in front of the TV is? 
It's hubby's pretend kendo sword that he made. :) Geeks!

So out the door to the balcony.
Here's my potted pansy collection. Part of it anyway. :)

And here is the set up next to the table. 
My going-away-present herbs. A long box full of nasturtiums and sweet peas that I am hoping will eventually grow up the trellis. Seedlings that have since been taken to the garden (where they wilted, froze, dried, and died in the matter of a day -- UGH!). And the tomato and chili plants that hubby wanted. At the base of the tomato, I planted some arugula seeds that have since sprouted. Yay!
There are still some things I want for the balcony, like a hanging pot, lavender, and some solar lanterns. But all in all, I'm pretty pleased.

So there you have a glimpse into our home. The rest is nothing too special and I'm sure you'll see glimpses if you follow the blog. 
I can't be bothered to fight with Blogger over pictures when I feel like the house is ever-changing anyway. ;)

Also because I have pictures from the arboretum to share (uuuh daffodils!) and there is always something to share from the garden. 

Thanks for stopping by!