Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cheese party!!

Decorating for fall with gourds grown at our garden.
(The garden is so severely neglected it breaks my heart. But at least my gourds are here to cheer me up!)

Sunday we had an out of control cheese party. 
I say out of control because we had a lot of cheese (6 kinds!) and only 4 people eating it. 
We gorged. 
It was yum. 

We had a Dutch gouda, some kind of swiss and a French Saint Morbier (or whatever it was called... it was the least favorite!)

Blue cheese, goat cheese, brie. 

The rest of the brie was encased in puff pastry along with apricot jam and walnuts. 
Super yum!!

We had so much fun and I'd definitely like doing it again! 
Especially the baked brie!

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