Since last time...
I've taken more photos of the little daffs. :)
They're just so outrageously in bloom. And since the weather has been cold but not completely freezing, they've lasted really long outside.
They're still blooming!!
Speaking of the weather, we've finally had some rain.
I love the sunshine, but rain is far more efficient in melting snow, therefore I haven't complained once about it! :)
Look at the progress from our courtyard!!
After making an executive decision much to the hubby's disapproval, I bought curtain fabric from Ikea and we now have new curtains in the dining nook.
I'm quite happy with the way they turned out, but I think hubby needs more time to get used to them. Since he wasn't fond of them to begin with. ;)
I love the effect of the stripes, it makes the (tall) room look so very tall.
I really need to do something about that hideous light fixture that came with the apartment though.
I call it a mosquito light because it even flickers when you turn it on. Ick.
Ah, decorating is expensive...
See what was on the table above?
I couldn't resist as they were on sale this past week at a department store here.
I had my mom help me pick out a promising one.
Hopefully it brings me as much pleasure and inspiration as the white one (which is still blooming next to the TV). :)
Nature is so amazing, such detail!
Speaking of nature, my little plantation is coming along nicely.
Almost every single seed planted has sprouted.
I'm just worried that with spring being a few weeks late, I may have started these too early (even though according to the packages etc, I was a little behind schedule already).
It looks crazy messy, but it's controlled chaos. I promise. :)
Should we talk crochet?
I was the lucky recipient of this gorgeous crocheted rug from my mom's talented friend.
It's a beautiful mustardy yellow and I think it's far too pretty to be on the floor.
I kind of want to hang it on the wall, but I think I need to figure out HOW and WHERE first. :)
It's like a sun! And a flower!
What's not to love?
I've been working hard on the blue sunbursts for the couch, but it doesn't stop me from fantasizing about new projects.
Yes, I have one baby blanket still in the works for this little girl but I am her crocheting mama, and one blanket is NOT enough!!
I am so in love with this Viking Baby Ull yarn and it was on sale at the yarn shop... So I bought the purple, blue and yellow... and the other two are from my stash.
Well, the pink between the purple and blue is Silja yarn, but it goes so nicely with the rest.
I have no pattern in mind yet... but I'm thinking maybe plain granny squares?
Then again, a flower motif square would be cute too.
Too many choices!!
I have more than just WIP's though.
I have a completed flower wreath!
It's already on the front door, welcoming us home. :)
The yarn I used was (I think) Silja and Viking Baby Ull.
The actual wreath is just cardboard that I traced circles (using a round plastic bowl and lid) on and cut out.
Then I wrapped blue yarn around it (talk about tedious work!) and then I glued the flowers on using fabric glue.
All in all, it's a simple project and I was more than happy with the result!
I can't decide which flower I like most. :)
As for the blue sunbursts... I have a total of (almost) 21. I have been thinking about just how big I want this blanket to be and I am toying with the idea of making it 9x10 squares... but then again, I think, maybe I should just make it until I run out of yarn and see where that gets me?
I really should take a break from these squares and finish my rainbow baby blanket... I think that should be what I will tackle today on this glorious day OFF.
By the way, I have 13 days left before maternity leave starts... 8 morning shifts, 2 evening shifts... I cannot wait!!
But then again, at the same time, I am secretly freaking out that I'm so close to having a daughter that I am totally responsible for the well-being of.
And yet, I can't wait. :)
Completely unrelated, I've been trying to get a good vertical portrait of Kissa since we want to hang pictures of the three of them... But she is sometimes the WORST to get a good picture of!!
Like this one is super cute and all, but it would have been THE picture if she didn't stick her tongue out! :D
And when you try to repeat the magic she looks everywhere but the camera... so then you call her name and she looks pissed off.
And heaven forbid you blow at her to get her to look at the camera, you get a look like this one:
Kitty is not happy.
Well, thanks for stopping by!
Hopefully I'll be back before too long with more photos to share! :)