Sunday, August 12, 2012

Garden post 9½ and other randomness

I've been up to a lot and yet nothing this week... Just a whole lot of living life, nothing that exciting. ;)
Gardening, cleaning (LOL), puppies (ok, so they're not babies anymore), Pinterest, youtube videos of other people's puppies (...which makes me want more puppies...), jamming (raspberry + currant + sugar = yum³), baking (check out my last post), dreaming, and thrifting (no exciting finds though).

I've taken pictures of and cuddled with my big teddy bear of a puppy dog. 

Oh yes. Flowers. gorgeous rubies...

Teeny-weeny zinnias.

Tomorrow starts the last clinical training I will have to endure...
I can't tell you how excited I am to be so close to the end of this degree.
It's truly a surreal feeling to be so close to the end of an era and to be at the beginning of the next. 
"For every door that closes, a new door opens". 
Yeah, that kinda stuff.


Hope your new week brings you open doors. :)

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