Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sail boat wedding

We got back this afternoon after a busy day and a half of wedding business. 
My friend's wedding finally rolled around --- it was beautiful! 
The weather was dismal but at least it didn't rain as much as the forecast predicted. 

Sail boats are cool by the way. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :)

Here is just a sneak peek photo... I had to share somehow, somewhere. I was the official-unofficial wedding photographer and I really really enjoyed myself. It was stressful (especially since my equipment isn't really up to par for dark boats/conditions/weather etc) but I had a blast and I was really pleased with the photos. For what I had to work with, I can toot my own horn and congratulate myself, lol!
Can't wait to edit them all (well the best out of 900+) and share them with the happy newlyweds when they get back from their honeymoon. :)

Ah, the bride...she was gorgeous.
My wiser than most sister says that a woman looks her best on her wedding day, it is so true. There is just a certain glow, I think. Or maybe it's the dress. ;)

Off to bed to think about lighroom presets I should look into. 
Ah. Photography. ♥ Weddings ♥ Lightroom ♥

And seeing your friends so in love

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