Monday, May 20, 2013

2013: Garden post #5

So we were at the garden yesterday. We were there Friday, too, but I just didn't take pictures. (!)
There were 800 things I could have taken pictures of, but ya know... this time of the year is kinda busy! I forgot I even brought the camera right before we needed to leave (hubby had to make it home to watch hockey) so these are just some quick snapshots.

Blooming currants...

Two more batches of tulips coming up. 

This is a bulb from some year past that decided to bloom again. Love the stripes!! 

My flower bed with very sad looking (just watered) aster and zinnia starts... I hope they root and strengthen up fast!!

Lily of the valley, ever so promising looking!

The back corner of our new plot. We have strawberries on the right and yesterday my mom and I planted some bachelor's button seeds aka cornflowers in shades of white, blue, and pink. :)
Next to the cornflowers, decorative gourds (only a couple have survived the transition) and pumpkin. I had started some pumpkin seeds back in April but now I have no idea whether or not they got mixed up with the gourds or what... because I have no starts anymore (?!). Therefore, my mom and I threw some seeds in the ground and we'll see what happens... hopefully pumpkins happen!
Under the white fabric, we have some cucumber seeds and starts. And next to them were the potatoes my dad threw in the ground (and have now risen!). 

These are my mom's amazing zinnia starts... 

"Wild" pansies. I love that this is a weed. I usually leave it be. :)

And now that we have a ton of rhubarb in season... I've been eating it!

I made this rhubarb strawberry trifle on Saturday. 
Just boiled some rhubarb pieces down with some frozen strawberries and sugar. Then layered it in a dish with some sponge cake and whipped cream. YUM!

And yesterday, I made some rhubarb strawberry "kiisseli", or dessert soup.

Sprinkled with sugar. Mmm...

And I ate it this morning with some porridge. Yum!

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