Friday, May 3, 2013

2013: Garden post #2

Ok ok, so I know last time I said maybe this time I'd give you the tour of the house... but I was wrong! 
We went to the garden on May day and I just can't not share my garden dreams... ya see, that place is paradise to me!

We were having a partly cloudy, partly sunny day so do forgive the weird changing light in the photos! :)

These are the ever-rising daffodils. I can't remember now if I've mentioned it before, but we ripped up the old daffodil bed and separated the bulbs (it was way overgrown) and planted two new raised beds. 

Hubby constructed this simple little teepee for me. The plan is to place some chicken wire around the base and plant our seedling scarlet runner beans and peas up this. :) 
It should be a fun little hideout for anyone small enough to fit in there!

We had an AMAZING raspberry harvest last year, so no surprise that there were plenty of dead stalks this spring. However, we weren't expecting so many new shoots to be lost to the cold... and now we will probably have a terrible raspberry year. :( 
My dad is our main raspberry farmer and here he is tying the lonely branches to the support beams to stop them from getting damaged in the wind etc. 
He has plans to expand our raspberry area and add some new varieties!

Last year, I would have been helping the hubster turn the soil... This year, I'm not in the best shape for that *wink wink*. 
Here he is turning where we had cornflowers and actual corn last year (and peas!). 
This year, this little strip is going to get a couple rows of potatoes to hopefully help improve the soil quality. 

The tulips are rising rather promisingly.

...As well as the rhubarb. 
Since our new plot has so much rhubarb, we are actually getting rid of this little patch of it. 
FRIENDS: if you would like some rhubarb let me know ASAP and we will dig it up and get it to you. 
This little patch is going to become our new compost spot!

I spent time cutting the dead bits off the strawberries and admiring the little leaves and new growth.

Hubby tore up the chives and garlic area to make a new raised bed there. It happened to be some previous farmer's rock collection so as he was digging we collected them into a pile...
I'm thinking of decorating borders of beds with rocks?

While that construction was going on, I took a moment to appreciate the pussy-willow and blue sky combo.

As well as the windy spring day view of the road and (melted!) lake. 

Here is the new raised bed with neatly planted garlic.

...and a corner of chives.

Something else we have been finding this spring is lots of broken glass. 
I was just going to dispose of it properly, but then I caught a glimpse through the dirt of how pretty and antique the glass was...and now I'm thinking of making some kind of mosaic stone to place in the garden with it.
So I brought it home and washed it. Don't worry, I was careful not to cut myself! :)

My job in home care ended on Monday and my awesome and sweet work friends gave me a little present: lemon balm, strawberry mint, and curry! 
I think these will go on our balcony for our little herb garden I'm going to grow out there. :)

They were also awesome and got me a box of heart shaped doughnuts since that has admittedly been my #1 pregnancy craving... and believe you me, they've watched me eat some doughnuts! :D

Speaking of doughnuts, it's Finnish tradition to drink a homemade "soda" called sima on May day and eat some sugar coated doughnuts.
I take tradition seriously! ;)

Since we went through the trouble of making a yeast dough for the doughnuts, we made a batch of cinnamon rolls too.
Yeah, this is how I started my maternity leave:

Well, that's it for me today.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

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